Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I took these photos a while ago for a styling course I took. I love them so I thought I would post them and see what you all think!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fashion Etiquette

While I was surfing the net I came across an article addressing whether it was appropriate or not for first ladies Michelle Obama and Carli Bruni to wear white dresses to the D-Day anniversary event this weekend in France.

IMO, it is an antique thought that certain colored garments should not be worn during ceremonies surrounding death. Just because it's a funeral or anniversary of a tragedy, you have to wear black or somber tones? How antiquated!

I hate...

Yes, "hate" is a strong word but if you don't have a strong point of view, you have nothing.

With that said I hate this Balmain Jacket:

I must say it doesn't look half bad in this picture but the more I see celebrities sporting this jacket in it's multiple variations, the more my head hurts. I love structure! Don't get me wrong on that, I just hate the look of shoulder pads. I have since I was a little girl and some things never change...

I mean, is it just me??